Saturday, October 15, 2022

Why You Should See a Chiropractor During Pregnancy

 Have you noticed a change in your posture during pregnancy? 

Has new joint pain made an appearance?

Chiropractic care during pregnancy can help alleviate the expected pains leading up to delivery. 

chiropractors ann arbor

Here’s how we can help:

Realign your pelvis

Correct your posture over time

Alleviate neck, hip, back pain, and joint pain

Reduce a protruding abdomen 

See other ways chiropractors can help during pregnancy here

Chiropractors in Ann Arbor Can Alleviate Your Pregnancy Pain

Pregnancy is a joyous, exciting time, but we also know that it can interfere with your spine’s alignment. Chiropractors in Ann Arbor can help!

At Thatcher Chiropractic & Laser, we want to help you lead a pain-free life.

Contact us today to improve your comfort. 

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Happy Body, Happy Baby

Did you know chiropractic care is not only good for you, but for your baby’s health as well?

chiropractor ann arbor
Receiving chiropractic care during pregnancy can help prepare your body for safe labor.

Changes in your body

When you’re pregnant, your body has to make adjustments to accommodate the baby. Here are some of the changes you can expect:

Change in posture 

Protruding abdomen

A harsh curve in your back

Shifted pelvis

New joint pain

A shifted pelvis can also affect the delivery process, triggering a rear-facing delivery or an emergency cesarean delivery.

Learn more about chiropractic care for pregnant women here.

Promote a Healthier Pregnancy with Chiropractors in Ann Arbor

If you’re tired of dealing with pain due to pregnancy, chiropractors in Ann Arbor are here to help.

We don’t want to see you in pain during your pregnancy! At Thatcher Chiropractic & Laser, our purpose is to help you lead a pain-free life.

Call Thatcher Chiropractic and Laser at 734-663-2300 or fill out a contact form to schedule an appointment today!

Chiropractic and Mental Health: A Surprising Connection

While chiropractic care is often associated with back pain and neck stiffness, a growing body of research suggests a surprising connection b...